Animating Your Library Program- Tonight in Second Life! Live Long & Animate! by gwyneth
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Second Life: AASL-SIGMS Virtual Learning Community
Wed, May 19th: 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT
"Animating Your Library Program"
Presenter: Gwyneth Jones
Location: ALA Main Stage SLURL
If you missed the ISTE SIGMS Webinar back in December - I've updated it and will beg giving a preso tonight on this same (a fave of mine!) subject in Second Life! Hope you can join us!
"Promoting your library media center and program has never been easier. Using quick, free, and easy animation studios teacher librarians can create engaging videos to market their media center, databases, research resources, special programs, and their love of reading to students, teachers, and the community. Combining easy animation with a wiki, website, or a blog your message will captivate your audience and reach beyond the brick and mortar walls of your school. Watch this Go!Animate video to get a "taste" of the presentation."
If you are new to Second Life, set up an account to join us:
1. Go to the Second Life Education website several days in advance to set up your free basic account.
2. Verify that your computer and connectivity meets the systems requirements by checking here
3. Click on the orange “Get Started!” button. Go through the subsequent screens to create your avatar account.
4. Download and install the Second Life viewer software HERE.
5. Open the software and log into Second Life using your avatar first name, last name, and password. Watch your avatar “be born”. Complete the orientation activities to learn about how to communicate, move, search, and edit your appearance.
6. When finished, search “Places” for locations such as the Community Virtual Library, ISTE, or the American Library Association. Teleport to a favorite location, explore, and become acquainted with Second Life. (When searching, make sure the “search mature places” square is checked.)
7. Fifteen minutes prior to scheduled meetings, log on and IM Elaine Tulip or Redgrrl Llewellyn for a teleport to the meeting location or use provided SLURL.

ALA Mainstage
If you can't join us tonight, or aren't a member of Second Life, here's an archived version of the December webniar. We can't (as of yet) archive in Second Life.

Series of ISTE Connects articles:

Had a bit of a glitch with Lisa's had to show the slides on a prim but i think it went great! Thanks to Joyce Story aka Joyce Valenza & Miss Eleanor Anderton (Linda Dougherty) and everyone else for showing up!
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Wed, May 19th: 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT
"Animating Your Library Program"
Presenter: Gwyneth Jones
Location: ALA Main Stage SLURL
If you missed the ISTE SIGMS Webinar back in December - I've updated it and will beg giving a preso tonight on this same (a fave of mine!) subject in Second Life! Hope you can join us!
"Promoting your library media center and program has never been easier. Using quick, free, and easy animation studios teacher librarians can create engaging videos to market their media center, databases, research resources, special programs, and their love of reading to students, teachers, and the community. Combining easy animation with a wiki, website, or a blog your message will captivate your audience and reach beyond the brick and mortar walls of your school. Watch this Go!Animate video to get a "taste" of the presentation."
1. Go to the Second Life Education website several days in advance to set up your free basic account.
2. Verify that your computer and connectivity meets the systems requirements by checking here
3. Click on the orange “Get Started!” button. Go through the subsequent screens to create your avatar account.
4. Download and install the Second Life viewer software HERE.
5. Open the software and log into Second Life using your avatar first name, last name, and password. Watch your avatar “be born”. Complete the orientation activities to learn about how to communicate, move, search, and edit your appearance.
6. When finished, search “Places” for locations such as the Community Virtual Library, ISTE, or the American Library Association. Teleport to a favorite location, explore, and become acquainted with Second Life. (When searching, make sure the “search mature places” square is checked.)
7. Fifteen minutes prior to scheduled meetings, log on and IM Elaine Tulip or Redgrrl Llewellyn for a teleport to the meeting location or use provided SLURL.
ALA Mainstage
If you can't join us tonight, or aren't a member of Second Life, here's an archived version of the December webniar. We can't (as of yet) archive in Second Life.

Series of ISTE Connects articles:

Had a bit of a glitch with Lisa's had to show the slides on a prim but i think it went great! Thanks to Joyce Story aka Joyce Valenza & Miss Eleanor Anderton (Linda Dougherty) and everyone else for showing up!

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