This is What a Librarian Looks Like
This is What a Daring Librarian Looks Like at Swordpoint! I have an unabashed library girl crush on fellow redhead and Library Journal Mover & Shaker & all around amazing human being, Bobbi Newman - Librarian by Day ....So when she gives me an early head's up on something she's starting up (and it's not a lot of work and a bucket full of fun!) I'm of course immediately on board and want to share it with you, dear reader! I've been preaching for years that Librarians need to embrace their inner AWEsome, their inner Rock Star, their inner Gaga, Jagger, or Minaj ! Ever embracing my mentor Joyce Valenza's charge from last year I think librarians (of ALL types!) need to be FIERCE and part of that is showing how librarians are divergent, different, and yes...daring! From Bobbi's outstanding blog: "As the ultimate compliment to Library Day in the Life we bring you This is What a Librarian Looks Like ! What : a site to go beyond the bun and chall