
Showing posts from February, 2017

6 Ways to Avoid Those Social Media Landmines

This article is planned to be published in the May issue of NEA Today Magazine  (sadly, without my nifty custom graphic) but it's already online ! So YAY! I guess I can share it with you early! I’ve been sharing on social media professionally for eight years now, and I have to admit, it can be kinda tricky. There is a goldmine of information out there for teachers, but also landmines that can be quite treacherous if not deftly avoided.  As educators, I passionately believe we should use social media to push the positive, celebrate student successes, share resources with our colleagues, and connect with parents and the community.  But how do we professionally use these tools without torturing ourselves over every Tweet, update, or Instagram pic? Easy! Try these six tips to share sensibly online. Follow School District Policy   Does your district have a technology and social media policy? If so, read it and follow it to the letter. I’m so proud that my district has had a “Re