Back to School Special & PPT Download
You're Invited! Monday, Sept 9th 8pm Eastern US Join yours truly, The Mighty Little Librarian Tiff , and fellow Mover & Shaker Jennifer LaGarde for a casual discussion at the TL Virtual Cafe to generate ideas on how to build school allies, support new teachers & become indispensable to admin & staff at the beginning of every school year. Featuring how Google tools (forms, docs, & presentation, and more!) interactive Wikis, Scoopit, Edmodo, Curation, and school blogs, can supercharge the library program & classroom throughout the school year. For Teacher Librarians, classroom teachers, tech teachers, admins, & well...everyone! Back to School Special Wikipage Here's our presentation --AND Exciting News... it was featured on Slideshare's front page! (Screenshot at end of post!) We got about 1,500 hits in less than 24 hours! BAZINGA! Back to School Night Special - TL Cafe Preso 2014 from gwyneth jones FREE Bonus Download!