Twitter: The Art of the Follow
The Art of the Follow: One of the hardest things on Twitter is to master is the art of the Follow. When I started I was so thrilled when ANYone followed me - I didn't look too closely and would immediately follow them back. Now...I follow selectively because useless chatter & only FourSquare posts does not move the conversation forward. ( Twitter Comic Tutorial At-A-Glance Part Deux that coordinates to this blog is below- thanks!) Here are a few thoughts on how to decide to follow. So I go to my special gmail account just for blogging & Twitter and I see an email notification that someone has followed me, or someone I admire lists them on a Follow Friday....or I see them as part of a conversation, a conference hashtag like #ISTE11 , or I admire something they've shared - I click on their profile link and here's what I am looking for when I check out their profile: 1 - Their ratio of follower s to people they are following. If I see it's about 1:1,