
Showing posts from February, 2019

Ninja Unicorn - Coloring Bookmarks

Short Story: A wonderful 6th grade student & I teamed up and made this bookmark sheet and I want to share it with you. I made copies and gave several to the creative young kid. Then, a few days later, one of my marvelous teachers Mrs. Granger, had her kids, including the boy who helped create the Ninja Unicorn, color it and we're going to laminate it. I took a picture and was just amazed. My not so adroit drawings and rather amateurish lettering were brought to life  and made to look better by the amazing coloring of the kiddos.  Why not ask some of your kids to come up with their own coloring bookmarks?  If you do, please share them with me and I will share them with my kids. Maybe we could trade them!? You are invited to download the PDF for FREE  from my Slideshare.    Enjoy! Here's also my Google Doc blank bookmark template - Please go to File> Make a copy -- or download the PDF on my Slideshare . Longer Story: This coloring sheet came abou

Take a Shelfie Not a Selfie

I've talked about the  Art of the Shelfie before, but I had a recent rant I just wanted to share with you. I started with "Hey girl" as a nod to the "Hey girl" meme and my preoccupation with the hit book, "Girl, Wash Your Face" by @ msrachelhollis . It was really just to get your attention, I know educator guys might benefit from this rant, too! I'm equal opportunity judgey. You know what's great about having a professional Twitter & Instagram ? You can just focus on the kids. (It should already be our focus, right?) But it's sometimes kinda comforting to hide behind the kids. Social Media shy? Take pics of your kids being awesome & post them. Not sure about photo consent? Take pics over their shoulders, they'll recognize their shoulders, hair, & hands! To quote the wise Dalton in the cinematic Oeuvre that is the movie Roadhouse: Opinions vary. Of course it's OK to take a selfie now and then! But when the f