What They Say

I have been collecting tweets, emails, reviews, love notes, thank you notes, and blog posts regarding some of the work that I have done with organizations and within my own school. This is the collaborative "reference letter" for my professional life. No bribing was done here, I swear!

Here's a list of 50+ speaking engagements I've given since 2009. Contact Info  

I don't usually post awards or recognition here (because my Mum would say it's tacky), but this highlighted quote kinda sums up my blog, voice, philosophy, & niche. 
"Her enthusiasm is infectious and the bright colours on the website are appealing. Her blog is more informal and personal than some of the others listed here, but it is clear that her approach is fun and accessible. 

I'm really not mad at that. At all.
What Say They?


Like, OMGosh - that's the best, right?

 Evaluation comments from my visit to the Santa Rosa School District outside Pensacola, Florida  summer 2019:
Gwyneth Jones is very knowledgable about Future Ready Librarians and tools we can use for students to connect, collaborate, create, construct, make, flip, share, advocate and empower one another.
8/9/2019 7:11 PM
I really liked her energy and how she stressed pick 1 thing to work on and once you get it move to something else. As librarians we try to do everything everyday and sometimes you can feel defeated when it all goes south. She helped us to remember give it your all but its ok for it to go south once in a while.
8/9/2019 1:27 PM
The speaker provided useful suggestions of new strategies to implement into the Library Media program.
8/9/2019 12:21 PM
presentation style...witty & fun...experience as a school librarian showed. I could relate to her.
8/8/2019 8:56 PM
The plethora of information Mrs. Jones presented.
8/8/2019 8:44 PM
Gwyneth made learning so fun! Loved her!
8/8/2019 7:57 PM
I enjoyed this program immensely. Gwyneth Jones, besides being terribly entertaining, provided so many practical ideas and examples that could easily be implemented successfully. I came away with so many ideas that I will most certainly begin to put to use.
8/8/2019 6:51 PM
I liked the presenters ideas but mostly I appreciated her real world advice and understanding of the challenges we face in the
8/8/2019 6:27 PM
The speaker was amazing! She had several great ideas that I have already started implimenting.
8/8/2019 6:16 PM
Gwyneth was fantastic. She was inspriting without being overwhelming. I'm grateful to PLAN for bringing her to Santa Rosa County!
8/8/2019 5:30 PM
The variety of practical ideas the presenter shared. I also liked that she shared things that did not work for her.
8/8/2019 5:23 PM
Motivational but she kept it realistic on setting goals to accomplish ideas.
8/8/2019 5:16 PM
The different platforms that we can use for free that will allow us to show off what's going on in the library.
8/8/2019 5:07 PM
Instructors ability to present in an engaging way very pertinent content for our field!
8/8/2019 4:37 PM
Presenter was real and relavent. She validated what we are dealing with in todays school libraries and placed everything into proper perspective.
8/8/2019 4:32 PM
The Daring Librarian was motivational, enthusiastic, and encouraging. She kept us all engaged. I loved her presentation.
8/8/2019 4:14 PM
I loved the practical library management tips and the fun and innovative technology that was modelded.
8/8/2019 4:13 PM
Weren't "pie in the sky" ideas but things that will actually work in the school setting and are doable by most Librarians.
8/8/2019 4:13 PM

Gwyneth Jones was motivating, had some great ideas, and was a very well rounded speaker. She was able to related things to all our levels elem, middle , and high. Thank you for provided us great back to school motivators.
8/9/2019 1:27 PM
Outstanding speaker, and very entertaining with her presentation. Most enjoyable.
8/9/2019 12:21 PM

Invite Gwyneth again!  Woo hooo!
8/8/2019 4:14 PM
Really enjoyed Gwyneth.
8/8/2019 4:13 PM
 Evaluations from PSLA - Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Conference - May 2018

"This was the first time that I have seen this speaker and she set the tone for the entire conference with her enthusiasm and humoristic account of life as a middle school librarian, working between the lines and benefiting our key stakeholder -- children!!" - PSLA - Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"What was of greatest value to me was the fact that Gwyenth was not only a great presenter, but was did a great job of making her suggestions realistic to what can actually be done with an everyday classroom. Many times presenters give suggestions, but it only works for their library or in certain types of schools. The suggestions given during this session would not only work in all schools, but could easily be adapted for any type of library and/or district."  PSLA - Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Conference Evaluation - May 2018
"Gwyneth was funny and inspiring and everything she was motivating!" PSLA - Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"Gwyneth's talk really made me think hard about being more creative in my day to day work.  I am so glad to have met her and look forward to following her in her blog and on Twitter. This was an awesome Keynote!" - PSLA Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"Her speech was very motivational and was a great way to begin the conference.  It reminded me to continue thinking about what I will implement in the future, throughout the entire conference."
- PSLA Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"I loved that she was able to connect with so many others in the room using her vibrant personality and professional skill." - PSLA Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"The speaker has wonderful enthusiasm, and I enjoyed her presentation style. I hope to incorporate many of her technology suggestions and overall can-do spirit!"
- PSLA Conference Evaluation - May 2018

"Keynote provided many ways to engage students and incorporate technology to be effective in engaging students. I will be more prepared to advocate for tools that will assist students in the learning process."  - PSLA Conference Evaluation - May 2018


By the way, my name is annoyingly hard to spell!  It's all good. For a while there in 5th grade I really wanted to be called Lisa. 


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