News@School - Live!
4 Tips to Terrific School TV
News@School - Live! 4 Tips to Terrific School TV It's Newsworthy Learning! MHTV is a quality daily live news show BY kids FOR kids! Students can be powerful producers, script writing geniuses, tech stars behind the scenes, and superstars in front of the screen! Placing an importance on showcasing our brilliant diversity - our goal is to have every kid "see themselves" in our daily live news show. 1. Delight in Diversity Being in the DC Metro area my kiddos are like a gorgeous Benetton ad or like a United Nations picnic! Hire kids that reflect the diversity in your should be able to "see themselves" on the TV. That includes gender, language, orientation, and ability diversity, too! Don't have all the girls in front of the camera & all the guys behind the scenes doing all the tech jobs. Hire young and raise them in the studio so that by the time they are at the top of the grades (for me, 8th grade or 13 year olds) they can mentor the