Rocketboom, Meme Molly, Me, & Google+
I admit to having a total geeky girl crush on Meme Molly of Rocketboom . What is Rocketboom? It's a "three minute daily videoblog or Vlog based in New York City. We cover and create a wide range of information and commentary from top news stories to quirky internet culture. Instead of costing millions of dollars to produce, Rocketboom is created with a consumer-level video camera, a laptop, two lights and a map with no additional overhead or costs.” This adorable English Internet Vlogging phenom & her perky gorgeousness explains in amusing & snarky pattois what's the lastest Meme and above...what Google Plus is all about & how it's different than The Twitters or The Facebooks. Fascinating history this Miss Molly Meme has...From the Wikipedias : " Molly started secretly making Youtube videos in her bedroom when she was 16 and eventually her parents found out about it. After a few years working independently in web video and a stint in Canada study