Getting a Head(er) with Twitter
Have you experimented and played with the new Twitter look yet? It was rolled out last month and it allows a greater (and fun!) branding customization. Much like the Google+ and the Facebook header, this allows you to upload a background with your profile pic and description overlaid. By the way, I started this blog post about three weeks ago -- didn't post because I was *still* playing with my header!'s compulsive! Some people have had a lot of fun with it creating neat optical illusions (it's a bit difficult and it gets whacked with different resolutions and with mobile versions) and others have made slick, graphically delicious statements. Here's How to Do it! Decide on a header image that is somewhat dark on the bottom as that's where your profile description will be printed, as well as your URL and your location. Here's a full size example . Original image size cannot exceed 1252×626 pixels (with a max file size of 5MB). Twitter do