
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Way of the Lego

I've had some emails and Tweets lately asking how do I manage the LEGO portion of our Makerspace area, so I thought I would share with you... The Way of the Lego.  Questions: How did you set up your Lego Creation Station?   Did you start with a Lego Wall?  Aren't there problems with stray pieces? How do you manage the Makerspace? What did you buy?   ..............and what are the rules? When I first started the Makerspace, inspired by my PLN, I had a very small budget and a admittedly a rather large dose of skepticism that all this Makerspace folderoll could just be another fad or Ed Tech buzzword. Like the $11,000 Smart Board everyone just HAD to have 10 years ago that seemed to end up as a very expensive white board a few years later. But I did want to give it a whirl!   The reason I often talk about baby-steppin into Makerspace (or any new education innovation) is because I don't want you to feel like pressured or guilted into jumping into something new