TL Virtual Cafe: FREE Monthly Techie Klatch

I'm going to shamelessly steal from my guru & friend Joyce Valenza's NeverendingSearch blog here....cause YAY! and"Yippee! We are about to launch our monthly online get-togethers. Try to save the first Monday of each month for live, web-based chat.

For starters, join us Monday, February 1, at 8 PM Eastern for the first of our TL Virtual Cafe events.

Our first chat, What is in a Name will be hosted by Mike Eisenberg. Joining us also, will be AASL President Cassandra Barnett, ALA Presidential candidate and former AASL Pres, Sara Kelly Johns. Gwyneth Jones and I will facilitate. Look for many other library folks and many members of the AASL Geek Squad. Topic for the evening: AASL's official adoption of a professional title, as well as a general discussion of our professional vision.

Our gathering space is generously hosted by Steve Hargadon, who manages the The Future of Education as well as the Classroom 2.0 Nings. Steve is also a contributor to SLJ.

This chat space is not official. Think of it as unconference space. Certainly, we could use it to host formal speakers, experts, and authors. We could also plan casual discussions around issues. We could share our own examples of effective practice.

Who wants to play? What guests would you like to see? What would you like to talk about?

Join our community on Learn Central and visit our planning wiki to suggest ideas for upcoming unsessions. "


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