Bloggers' Cafe: The Hepcat Learning Lounge

The Hepcat Learning Lounge@AASL
The Bloggers' Cafe is the coolest place to hang out at any Ed Tech conference! This was the "the place to be" hub @NECC09! This is where all the cool peeps are going to chill...once you're there anyway why not stand up and share? In a low key, high-tech, beatnik kinda way - beret & goatee optional.
The Bloggers' Cafe is the coolest place to hang out at any Ed Tech conference! This was the "the place to be" hub @NECC09! This is where all the cool peeps are going to chill...once you're there anyway why not stand up and share? In a low key, high-tech, beatnik kinda way - beret & goatee optional.
Are you attending the 2009 AASL National Conference in Charlotte, NC? Have something to share, but for whatever reason you are not scheduled for a concurrent session? Consider signing up to present your stuff at our Bloggers’ Café! Presentation equipment and Internet connection will be available.
Want to take a comfortable break from the conference hubbub? Stop by and listen as your colleagues share their ideas at the Bloggers’ Café.
Use the time to:
- Host a discussion
- Create a Birds of a Feather session
- Present your best ideas
- Expand on your Exploratorium poster
- Expand on your concurrent session
- Teach a skill
- Other
- Friday signup
- Saturday signup
Sign up now by visiting!
Credits: Thanks to Joyce & Buffy for some of the better wordage & Hepcat Darren Draper for the way cool orig pic that i totally posterized..thanks, rule!
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