Social Media Dim Sum: Tasty Bites You Can Try
Social Media Dim Sum: One Small Plate at a Time
I love my PLN! When I have an idea I am struggling with I can go to them and ask for opinions, brainstorming, & help and - I get it! Here was my idea: a graphic that showed the tastiest bits of a PLN all in one place setting...with a side dish of other ways to build your PLN that were a bit more....ummm challenging.

I added Facebook later, even though I deleted my account (and yes, I will explain in a post at some time!) there are still people out there who find it significant.
I had a preso to do for my district - my beloved Howard County the next week & was inspired by all I saw and learned in Denver. Now don't snag or use the pic above...that was my imperfect first draft the final one is below and is free to use with attribution.
I'd like to show you the process of creation with my PLN & brainstorming so forgive me if this is a long post...feel free to skim & comment! :-)
It started with my email plea for help - Subject: Help! Quick Opinion....PLN Dim Sum - Hey beloved PLN! Please see attached graphic and chime in - Should I keep in the phrase? (in green) "Keep Your Appetite Large but Your Plate Small" OR take it out? and do you like the Title PLN Dim Sum? OR take it out? and do you like the Title PLN Dim Sum? Any change of wording or suggestions are VERY welcome! Thank You!!!!
My lovely friend Andrea Christman RESEARCHED the thing! LOVES her! So she gets a Photoshopped fun pic!

I LOVE the dim sum idea!!! I am thinking on the phrase “Keep your appetite large, but your plate small” though. I know what you are trying to say though. I looked up dim sum just to get some more ideas. Don’t you want people to control their portions? You are telling people to leave some room on their plate for other things in life so actually, you want them to display some “portion control” and rein in their appetites.
Or you want them to choose a variety of dim sum so their plate is balanced. I am not sure you want them to have small plates or a plate with a variety. Don’t get stuck on one variety, i.e., from Wikipedia: While dim sum (touch the heart) was originally not a main meal, only a snack, and therefore only meant to touch the heart, it is now a staple of Chinese dining culture, especially in Hong Kong.
Am I over-thinking this? Maybe your catchy phrase could be something along the lines of “it’s a balancing act” or “for your health” or something. I love how dim sum actually means “touch the heart” I didn’t know that! I don’t know if that could be worked into this….. Here is ordering advice from another website: … the best way to enjoy dim sum is with a group; otherwise you'll fill up on a few items and miss the opportunity to sample everything. On the other hand, you can always take home the leftovers! I’ll keep thinking and hopefully one of your other peeps will chime in!

This is amazing! I really love it. And LOVE the PLN Dim Sum! I think I might take out the phrase in green....It says so much without it there....doesn't take anything away from the power of this. :) "

"Personally, I like it. It goes well with --> Don't Overdue it! Leave some space for dessert, the future, & real life! Cute! Dim Sum! So Cute!"
SO YAY! response back to my friends: "Thank you all so much! I think I came up with the small plate idea because so many talk about how full their plate I thought rather than getting a bigger plate to pile on stuff think of dim sum or tappas and choose smaller plates. be selective about what you "order" to sample and have a variety! so...yeah...I need to focus on the tasty smaller bites and excersise portion control (ha ha!) - and share with the table! because you may try something - nibble it but not stay with it. -like plurk. love it - it's pretty - I have a plurk acct to connect with my Second Life Steampunk friends but Twitter I think has more power so I haven't logged into Plurk for months. I'm hungry....but I also am inspired by all of your GREAT IDEAS! Love my PLN! love you all!
Thus I came up with the final graphic depiction of a PLN meal for blogs & presos and one that you can click on to get all sizes: Remember, take small plates of dim sum...try a variety! Share with others & pass along... but don't overdo it otherwise you'll may feel uncomfortably full.
(UPDATED 7/13)
FEEL FREE TO USE - with Attribution
The preso I used this graphic was one I did in my own backyard...IE: my school district of Howard County!
"Break out beyond the brick and mortar confines of our schools with a super savvy web presence that takes your lessons home and spans the globe. Learn how you can easily make your program available to students via the web. Discover how to build a Personal Learning Network. Created for the HCPSS Summer Camp. Featuring the DEN Educator Network." Click through the Prezi below...
Network Building: Web Presence, Twitter, Nings, & Things! on Prezi
& the resources are all here. So it takes a village to create a graphic....but I'm happy with the end result! What do you think?
Cool~ I had NO idea how this all turned out :) I like the progression of how your idea evolved...and "my" graphic (that you made for me) is cool too
ReplyDeleteGlad to be in your village!