Rap You Mad Pi Day Love

Happy Pi Day!

When searching for a new video to play on MHTV for Pi Day tomorrow (& day old pi is still Mmmm Mmmm good!) i stumbled across the above video from uber cool math teacher, Nathan Shields at Fort Math....or the Math Department of Fort Vancouver High School in Vancouver, WA. And it's a whole lot of AWEsome!

Can't watch the above YouTube vid cause it's blocked for you at school? Watch it and download it here!

and i still LOVES our MHMS GT Dept. 3.14 Pi Vid from a few years back....still wished we ended with a Pi in the face....LOL

List of numbers – Irrational and suspected irrational numbers
γ – ζ(3) – √2 – √3 – √5 – φ – ρ – δS – α – e – π – δ

Number system Evaluation of π
Binary 11.00100100001111110110...[1]
Decimal 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288...
Hexadecimal 3.243F6A8885A308D31319...[2]
Rational approximations 3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102, ...[3]

(listed in order of increasing accuracy)
Continued fraction [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 14, 2, 1, 1, ... ][4]

(This continued fraction is not periodic. Shown in linear notation)
Trigonometry π radians = 180 degrees

How do YOU Celebrate Pi Day?

from wikipedia
graphics from Fort Math


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