Computer Engineer Barbie: Girl Geeks RULE!

"The geek revolution is complete. The next Barbie doll will be a computer engineer. What's most interesting about this decision by Mattel is that the career move was decided by popular vote of Barbie fans -half a milion of them - who voted to make her a computer geek.
Barbie - the doll with the impossible figure - will be outfitted with a pink laptop, matching pink glasses, and a binary-code patterned dress.
She was designed with help from the Society of Women Engineers. Maybe that accounts for the sensible shoes."
YAY! Girl Geeks RULE!!!
Photo: Mattel
Source: from Science Friday geek writer Ira Flatow
I So heart IRA~!!!
Okay, now how did you happen upon this piece of news? Pink sensible shoes, where can I find a pair?