The Best Twitterers For Sharing Resource Links

so, i've been following Larry Ferlazzo for a while now and he's written an excellent post on his blog about which Twitterers to follow for Sharing it is quoted:

This is a companion “The Best…” list to The Best blogs for sharing resource links.

I developed this list by first going to Tweet Stats, typing in my Twitter user name (larryferlazzo) and then clicked on “Tweet Cloud.” Within that cloud I was able to see the Twitter user names of those whom I had “retweeted” (forwarded) the most. Since I generally only retweet education-related links, I’m including all the Twitter users in this list who appeared in my “cloud.”

There’s probably a tool out there that provides a better way to determine who one retweets the most, but this will do for now.

The cloud indicates how many times you’ve retweeted that person, but I didn’t have time to list them in that order here.

Of course, there are zillions of people I don’t “follow” on Twitter, so you might want to take “The Best…” label with “a grain of salt.”

Here are my choices for The Best Twitterers For Sharing Resource LInks:

Alice Mercer

Jim Burke (englishcomp)

Jackie Gerstein

Karenne Sylvester (kalinagoenglish)

K.D. Washburn

Nancy Devine

Nik Peachey

Shonah Kennedy (MissShonah)

Russel Tarr

Shelly Terrell

A Wooldridge (storytellin)

Diana Dell

Kevin Hodgson (dogtrax)

Burcu Akyol

Here are a few more whom I’m surprised are not in my “tweet cloud:”

Kelly Hines

Suzanne Whisler

Angela Maiers

Richard Byrne

Other suggestions are always welcome.

Who do you think is missing from the list?
here are a couple: (i'll prolly add more later)
Want to add several at one time!? Here's a COOL new tool!
Twitter Follower for Teachers
add a mass list of educational twitterers at once!
also....check out the hash tag #teachertuesday to see all the teacher tech twittering of the day!

Do you BLOCK non-educators from your Twitter feed? i do! i block all the "make money from twitter" and "check out my sexy pics" people....good luck to them, but i just don't want them following me, nor i them.

this was my reply to the post:
Great post & resource to start building your PLN! after blocking so many “get rich on twitter” and “see my sexy pics” people it’s great to be able to stal…i mean follow…some like minded ed tech peeps! hope you don’t mind if i re-blog this with full creds!

Re: Twitter: i had 1 account for years for my Second Life & Ed Tech friends but was inspired by the #NECC09 backchannel to become finally transparent and create a tech one under my RL name ….moving some of my followers over has been a challenge! [grins] maintaining 2 twitters accounts is interesting but makes sense…some even have diff accounts per conference …or just a conference account to keep all resources and “session notes” in one place. interesting but exhausting to me!
and for my SL peeps


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