A Library In Every Pocket: Virtualizing Your Library for Mobile Learning

Not if, but when your school turns to mobile learning, will your library be ready? Information technology presents librarians with an opportunity to facilitate the transition to mobile learning. Facilitators, which will include a student panel, in this hands-on, BYOT session will highlight strategies to virtualize library services for tiny screens. Participants will practice using tools for building virtual, hand-held libraries, and will leave this session with a toolkit to expand virtual library services.

I'm both happy and sad to say that our Pre-Conference workshop at #AASL13 (American Association of School Librarians) is SOLD OUT! W00t!
Sad because I feel in a way this blog post is a tease, 'cause if you're not already booked it's too late but happy because that's always the worry that no one will show up!
Three years ago I blogged about this topic, but WOW...how things have changed since then! We can't wait to share some new ideas & collaborate with the 65 people registered for this pre-conference workshop!  We will be publishing our resources on the Wiki and probably be live Tweeting, too! Follow #LibHotPocket
Check out the AASL Learning Commons & Ning
The amazing Carolyn Foote is organizing the AASL Learning Commons - sorta like a Bloggers' Cafe or a great learning place and fun hangout spot! Located across from the exhibit hall this will be THE PLACE to re-charge, connect, and shmooze! I'll be presenting (informally) there on Friday afternoon around 10:55-11:25ish next to the amazing Katie Davis! stop by & say Hello! Why not join and start connecting now on the AASL13 Ning?!

Join in on the AASL Unconference!

Friday night from 9-Midnight at the Hartford Marriott Capital Rooms 1/2/3 for free-formed conversation threads, a Sucks/Rocks, and then a crowdsourced smackdown! Follow our Tweets #AASLUncCon  and check out our AASLUnConference  Wiki for even more involvement!  If you plan on going why not add a slide or two? You know I did! LOL I am going to try my level best to stay up for this - I usually go to bed around 9:30...(don't laugh!)...but this is gonna be AWESOME!
Card Me!
Oooh! I got my new MiniMoo Cards!!!! If you see me, please say hi & get one! They came in only 12 days -- so there's still time to get your own!  I got two types, mini with NEW rounded corners in a glossy and a matte finish! (I can't decide which I like better...maybe you can help me with this!) Anyway, please make sure to say hey & I can't wait to meet as many of our PLN face to face! That' the BEST part of conferences! Want your own Mini Moo cards? Use my referral code and get 10% off your first order! Link to my design tips post below.

5 Easy Tips to Making Out of This World Mini Moo Business Cards

 And in case you missed it! 

Daring Conference Packing Tips & Tricks 



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