Growing Up in Second Life aren't created in SL you're born....and you're born with ugly skin and hair and the rest is up to you and the amount of Lindens you spend or savvy shopping skilz.... i was smart/foolish enough to take screen shots from the very beginning....though i CRINGE at my early pics i'm gonna share them with you!
i have pics from my first day in-world on orientation island...when i had a torch stuck to my hand and i couldn't figure out how to detatch it!!
i had bad hair, bad skin, and the clothes! OMG!
Since i have a few friends who after reading this blog & talking to me, now want to see this wondrous place of New Babbage, Caledon, Silent's Folly and Second Life...
here's a helpful box of FREE items that can be found in New Babbage Square!
Found Here:
(pray note, kind reader: the SLURL won't work if you don't belong already to Second Life)
What is Second Life?somehow you stumbled across my blog somehow or want to know more....the BEST visual representation of the beauty of Second Life made by Oolon Sputnik
(might as well get used to the funky names of! LOL)
No One Likes Being a Newbie!
It just feels icky~ you feel stoopid, you don't want to stick out and you want to be in the know (fast!) and cool!....and SL does take a committment of wandering to IMHO the most impt. thing to get used to SL is to just on your own at your own speed...spend time wandering in SL after going through orientation you wander you learn! find free clothes... walk, look, learn, explore and discover...get comfortable! it doesn't happen in one visit....or two...but once it "clicks" for you i think you will love it! i paid for most everything i have...i have a few free things...but i set up my paypal right away and bought linden dollars so i could go shopping!
To help you get started in SL...i couldn't begin to list here all the sites out there to help the new traveler to the in-world lands... but here are a few suggestions:
- the Official Second Life Getting Started Wiki
- the Official Second Life Video Tutorials
- 300+ Fun and Informative Videos by Torley Linden can be found on YouTube
- go on YouTube and do a search for Second Life Tutorial, Tips, or Getting Started i found about 900! or check out a few i found for you below!
- Bryan Ford's Introduction to Second Life
- Introduction to Second Life
- Newbie Tips: Basic Skills in Second Life
i'm not an official one (yet) but there are MANY who are~ and i've learned SO much from them!
check out the Ning started by Zoe Connolly called Second Life Bloggers.... not to join (yet!) but to find the links to those that are blogging on topics that are important to you. maybe if i keep up this blog (yeah, see how many posts i did since it was started 2 years ago!) eep~ i'll join SL bloggers until are a few....of a gagillion!
- SL Trip Tips Caledon Blogs - where to go what to see in Steampunk Caledon
- Mermaid Diaries of Natalia Zelmanov and that also includes the
- Natalia's Getting Started in Second Life Guide this was one of the first blogs i stumbled upon when i got serious about getting comfortable and competent in SL it was quite a project for me because i HATE feeling stooopid!
- SL Travel Guide (Siteseeing/Exploring) also by Natalia
I am one of those people...
Reddylocks: Searching For a Home in Second Life

in this my second winter in Second Life i find i'm looking forward to it more than i thought! ...especially now that i'm living in New Babbage! (and somewhere hidden in Silent's Folly) and i find myself just a bit relfective...upon how i GOT here...
when you first join SL you wander......a lot. there is SO much to see...and so much you don't want to see! so many blingtronic places and advertising malls...FREEBIE islands and people who walk around in outfits they would never wear (hopefully) out in RL and sometimes nekkid with HUGE phaluses jutting forth. earlier when i started this blog i showed how my AVA (avatar) changed...from my ugly first skin and clothes to how i look i wanna talk about the places i've lived and my search for a home and a community that felt....just RIGHT.

last year i went to Deadwood a lot...because it snowed a LOT there....i hadn't really learned how to edit clothes well back then (and still not so great!)..and my boobs always pushed out of my Prim & Proper cape...(gosh i miss that store!) Deadwood was nice but i seldom saw anyone there... ideally, i was searching for a Victorian sim and hopefully an RP sim...and i couldn't find one...the search feature for places really doesn't help sometimes....i also went to Avilion a few times...even bought several medieval gowns just for the purpose (and yes, having been in the SCA..on and off...since i was 17 it was a given)...but though the place was just *gorgeous* it was so laggy i couldn't move and crashed every other min...whilst there, i was hit on by a dwarf...and a dragon....the dwarf was hotter...i like stocky. [grins]
anyway..the first home i had..after than logging in and out in a deserted tower on the West of Ireland...see the tower in the distance on the left? yeah...there....lovely~

was the island home had sunk when i lost

(got rid of) my first husband...[grins]....see the oasis on the left? loved that oasis!

[snarfs] i sunk the linden torch into the water...i thought it looked cool...i still do! did you know that thing is a LOT of prims!?? at the time i didn't know any better...i also didn't know really how to edit and move things...i remember taking a screen shot of the outside landscaping and photoshop where i wanted to move things...and emailed it to my partner asking him to make the changes....he did...[grins] was sure purty.

after that, i lived in a skybox which i decorated for the holidays...a whopping $600L a week!

my lovely Christmas my skybox...and me looking tarty in my Crushed Velvet Santa's Helper costume...[grins ruefully] don't laugh! i still have that in my inventory and i may just wear it again! so there! ROFLMAO eeep! by now i learned how to move snowmen.

and pink flamingos

after that, i lived in tropical skybox...with a pool on the roof!

i added the trees from my Linden inventory...and i bought tiki torches!

...i don't need much in an SL home..much like my RL home..

i need a fireplace, water..either pool, tub or fountain, and a place to sit down. i'm indolent.

this was a bargain...$350L a week with 40 prims!

after the tropical skybox i found my ship...the Queen Anne's Revenge...

it started at $250 a week with only 50 prims. i soon needed MUCH more! the ship requires much furnish every cabin, and every deck...
and i still miss it...what an amazing build..see previous posts for and movies about's still available for rent if someone wants to live on an expensive huge (888 prims) pirate ship without having to buy a whole sim to put it's $1500 a week with a whopping 423 prims to play also features a hidden underwater grotto ballroom beneath the ship...i had dancing balls down there and also some was a great hidden place to change clothes!

i can't wait to decorate for winter in New Babbage and see what our dear Mayor Shaunathan has in store as far as snow and ice....i have a steampunk snow maker! and i'm hoping that's allowed... and i'm searching the grid for sledding hills and ice skating ponds! such fun!

in this my second winter in Second Life i find i'm looking forward to it more than i thought! ...especially now that i'm living in New Babbage! (and somewhere hidden in Silent's Folly) and i find myself just a bit relfective...upon how i GOT here...
when you first join SL you wander......a lot. there is SO much to see...and so much you don't want to see! so many blingtronic places and advertising malls...FREEBIE islands and people who walk around in outfits they would never wear (hopefully) out in RL and sometimes nekkid with HUGE phaluses jutting forth. earlier when i started this blog i showed how my AVA (avatar) changed...from my ugly first skin and clothes to how i look i wanna talk about the places i've lived and my search for a home and a community that felt....just RIGHT.

last year i went to Deadwood a lot...because it snowed a LOT there....i hadn't really learned how to edit clothes well back then (and still not so great!)..and my boobs always pushed out of my Prim & Proper cape...(gosh i miss that store!) Deadwood was nice but i seldom saw anyone there... ideally, i was searching for a Victorian sim and hopefully an RP sim...and i couldn't find one...the search feature for places really doesn't help sometimes....i also went to Avilion a few times...even bought several medieval gowns just for the purpose (and yes, having been in the SCA..on and off...since i was 17 it was a given)...but though the place was just *gorgeous* it was so laggy i couldn't move and crashed every other min...whilst there, i was hit on by a dwarf...and a dragon....the dwarf was hotter...i like stocky. [grins]
anyway..the first home i had..after than logging in and out in a deserted tower on the West of Ireland...see the tower in the distance on the left? yeah...there....lovely~
was the island home had sunk when i lost
(got rid of) my first husband...[grins]....see the oasis on the left? loved that oasis!
[snarfs] i sunk the linden torch into the water...i thought it looked cool...i still do! did you know that thing is a LOT of prims!?? at the time i didn't know any better...i also didn't know really how to edit and move things...i remember taking a screen shot of the outside landscaping and photoshop where i wanted to move things...and emailed it to my partner asking him to make the changes....he did...[grins] was sure purty.
after that, i lived in a skybox which i decorated for the holidays...a whopping $600L a week!
my lovely Christmas my skybox...and me looking tarty in my Crushed Velvet Santa's Helper costume...[grins ruefully] don't laugh! i still have that in my inventory and i may just wear it again! so there! ROFLMAO eeep! by now i learned how to move snowmen.
and pink flamingos
after that, i lived in tropical skybox...with a pool on the roof!

i added the trees from my Linden inventory...and i bought tiki torches!

...i don't need much in an SL home..much like my RL home..

i need a fireplace, water..either pool, tub or fountain, and a place to sit down. i'm indolent.

this was a bargain...$350L a week with 40 prims!

after the tropical skybox i found my ship...the Queen Anne's Revenge...
it started at $250 a week with only 50 prims. i soon needed MUCH more! the ship requires much furnish every cabin, and every deck...
and i still miss it...what an amazing build..see previous posts for and movies about's still available for rent if someone wants to live on an expensive huge (888 prims) pirate ship without having to buy a whole sim to put it's $1500 a week with a whopping 423 prims to play also features a hidden underwater grotto ballroom beneath the ship...i had dancing balls down there and also some was a great hidden place to change clothes!
i can't wait to decorate for winter in New Babbage and see what our dear Mayor Shaunathan has in store as far as snow and ice....i have a steampunk snow maker! and i'm hoping that's allowed... and i'm searching the grid for sledding hills and ice skating ponds! such fun!
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