I Want to Thank the Academy & Library Journal!

I'm incredibly honored & humbled to be named as an Innovator and one of Library Journal's 50 worldwide Movers & Shakers for 2011!! This is like the Oscars of Libraryland!

"For ten years now, LJ's Movers & Shakers has been spotlighting librarians and others in the library field who are doing extraordinary work to serve their users and to move libraries of all types and library services forward. They hail from all corners of the library world and several nations. Nominated by their colleagues, friends, bosses, and just plain admirers, they are just the tip of the iceberg." - Library Journal

Honestly, last Monday I was stunned. Mouth unbelievingly agape, eyes wide & blinking, and most likely resembling some kind of redheaded goldfish. The tweets got to me first and when I saw the posting & the amazing 49 librarians I was listed with ... I said - out loud - a Scooby Doo "Zoinks!" I also felt like just doing a Wayne's World "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!"

So, being quite stunned, and unusually speechless, I really pondered all this past week whether or not it would look like shameless self-promotion or gratitude to blog my thanks. Being thankful won. I felt squirmy... happy...but squirmy.
Of course I called my Mom & Dad straight away when I realized it was real and that I wasn't being punked but that's about it. So yes...SQUEE! I am so excited I can't believe it! Or to quote another of the Movers & Shakers Mr. Ned Potter, thewikiman: "I’m thrilled, delighted, proud, giddy, grateful, a little intimidated, honoured and above all excited." Yeah! What he said! Speaking of Ned - his thank you video was just brilliant...no really..watch this!

Gratitude is Good & Pay it forward. For fear of sounding very Californian & New-Agey I do believe that everything good that comes towards you is in direct relation to how much good you give out. I plan to keep giving, sharing, teaching, and paying it forward. I don't think stuff like this will go to my head, if it seems like it - lob an apple at me (or tweet or comment) Being able to make fun of myself is both a blessing & habit.
I want to thank my peeps, my tweeps and my amazing worldwide PLN! I've been touched by so many amazing educators in the past several years - I can't list them all here because I'd be crushed if I left anyone out - but you know who you are! Those who have been sharing, supportive, & who have brought me along on this amazing roller coaster ride of ed tech library goodness! I also want to thank those who nominated me for this recognition & took their time to write about my work & practice! But at the risk of looking like a celebrity name-dropper... I must thank good friend and my official mentor (appointed by Gale/Cengage & SLJ!) Dr. Joyce Valenza for her nomination, her continuing inspiration & for her amazing generosity! I also want to thank Diane Cordell for her staunch support & friendship.

It is also an amazing honor to be named with fellow Geek Tribe members and teacher librarian pals John Schumacher (or Mr. Schu) and the Unquiet Librarian herself (long overdue!) Buffy J. Hamilton. Both of whom I consider amazing teachers and librarians and who are a constant inspiration to us all! Buffy has even generously offered to be a guest on the TL Virtual Cafe in may with Jennifer LaGarde on EBooks!
Also on this "2011 class list" is the amazing Librarian by Day Ms. Bobbi Newman who I have admired for years and whole-heartedly endorse for ALA Councilor-at-Large!

With her permission I'm going to re-post her excellent list of all the Movers & Shakers below...plus - you can also subscribe to all the blogs in one click! Thanks to the Google Reader bundle from Micah Vandegrift!

Congratulations to everyone!


  1. Congratulations, Gwyneth!!! You deserve it!

  2. I am so glad. You've done a lot of beautiful work! Well deserved.
    Alias, Renlibrarian@twitter

  3. Thank you Michelle! I was so happy to add you to my PLN at the CASL conference! You rock!
    Hi Tess - Or Thank you so much Renlibrarian@twitter! Funny, how I know so many people from their Twitter handles! Did you see the Twitter necklace? I blogged about it a month or so ago! Cheers!

  4. Congrats again! Thank you for your kind words about my vid... :)


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