Calling All Daring Librarian Superheroes!

Shamelessly I will report on this - Why Shameless? (capitol S) Because, of course, this is the answer to my every fevered redheaded dream to be nominated for a special Superhero lunchbox! So just even reporting it makes me feel all squirmy & excited & dreaming of it! And of course if any of my dear gentle good readers think I can't go that far! (let's try subliminal persuasion)

Librarian League of Superheros
I do fervently believe - like the Justice League - there are MANY Superhero Librarians out there! We are a Tribe! And some of them have even blogged about this exciting contest! I have been a superhero fan (Go Marvel & Stan Lee!) since I was a kid! And Beyond!
Who are Your Librarian Superheroes?
My Librarian Superheroes are part of the Big Red Machine ©iansinger ie: Joyce Valenza & Shannon Miller! Two librarians who are my compatriot at arms, my right and left hand chickies and perpetual inspirations....two librarians who invigorate their schools and connect with their communities. Yeah, like that. They're that cool. Zing!
Also, the superhero public librarian the ever Divine Digital Branch Manager, Chattahoochee Valley Libraries- Librarian By Day Bobbi Newman is an inspiration to me and a champion of Transliteracy (yeah, that rhymed!), the Amazing Canadian Velvety Stephen Abram - of Stephen's Lighthouse, let's not forget Jennifer LaGarde - Library Girl, and of course K-M The Librarian!
A Super Social Media Experiment!
To nominate your favourite librarian superhero - you must do so via the Facebook page! There you can see the transparent nomination process & get to know other super cool librarians, too!

The Deets: (totally stolen from Bobbi's blog!)

1. How to Enter the Contest:

1. Are You a Librarian Superhero (“Contest”) will begin on or around 8:00 am EST on Monday, January 31, 2011 and will end on or around 5:00 pm on Monday, February 28, 2011. All Contest times will be measured by the Sponsor’s computer system clock.

2. Gale/Cengage Learning (“Cengage Learning,” “Gale/Cengage Learning” or the “Sponsor”) is not responsible for miss-delivered, undelivered, illegible, incomplete or late entries, network outages, lack/loss of signal, untagged messages, or any other technological difficulties that may prevent submission.

3. To participate:

  • Visit the Are You a Librarian Superhero Facebook Web page
  • Post your nomination for an outstanding librarian (each a “Nominee”) on our wall, including:
  • the Nominee’s name; where they work; and what makes them exceptional.
  • Include how this person makes a difference for the community and patrons, and how the library is improved because of their process or presence (each posting, an “Entry” and each participant posting a Nominee, an “Entrant”).

4. Multiple Entries will not increase the odds of winning.

5. Entries received after official end of the contest on the final day will not be accepted.

3. Selection of Winners

1. You need not be present at ALA’s Annual Meeting to win.

2. All Entries will be reviewed by a panel of Cengage Learning employees. Selection of 10 semi-finalists will be made, and presented to a panel consisting of Cengage Learning employees and several, independent librarians. (The actual identity of the semi-finalists will be withheld from the judges to maintain impartiality.)

3. Entrants who nominate a semi-finalist will be contacted via Facebook for complete contact information and a photo of the Nominee. Entrants and their Nominees who do not provide complete contact information and Nominees for whom a photo is not provided will be eliminated from the Contest and the Sponsor may replace such Nominees as semi-finalists, in its sole discretion.

4. Judging Criteria (the following is an approximation and while the judges will seek to apply the following criteria as closely as practicable, winners are chosen in the judges’ sole discretion based on their judgment):

1. 20% – Showing leadership skills to forward the cause of the library, its patrons and the community.

2. 20% – Embracing new technologies to keep the library accessible and relevant to users.

3. 20% – Creating an environment that supports learning and fun, exploration and personal expansion.

4. 20% – Exhibiting determination, enthusiasm and the quest for sharing knowledge beyond the reach of their peers.

5. 20% – Insisting on play, engagement and pushing the boundaries.

5. Four Nominee librarian winners will be selected, with their likeness being used to inspire a cartoon superhero, personifying the traits included in their nomination.

6. Winners will be notified via phone the week of March 21, 2011.

4. Prizes:

1. Winners will have a cartoon created in their likeness and printed on materials by Gale/Cengage Learning, including (but not limited to) a metal lunchbox!!!!!!! (with an approximate value of US$20), trading cards (with approximate value of US$300 and signage (of deminimus value).

For those still stuck on an island without Social Media guarded by sharks with laser beam helmets and can't get to Facebook you can email your submission here ....but better yet, break free & escape from the locked net monster & dare to join this Facebook page!

As Bobbi said in her blog, there are more prizes these are just the coolest of the cool! Zap!

In Related Superhero news:

THE COLBERT REPORT Wags Finger at British Superman
"In his latest "Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger" segment featured on last night's episode of The Colbert Report, Colbert wagged said finger at Zack Snyder, director of the upcoming Superman film from Warner Bros., for casting British actor Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent. "Superman is American," remarked Colbert. "His name is Super Man, not Smashing Gent."

From there, the commentary quickly resembled something found recently on message board postings against the idea of a British Superman. "And let's remember," said Colbert, "his spaceship crash-landed in Smallville, Kansas, not Uppington-Upon-Tweed-Wee-Chestershire. For God's sake, the man gets his power from the sun. How can he be British? They don't have a sun."

Other remarks included comments about Superman flying up to rooftops to inspect chimneys, using his X-Ray Vision to examine what's in a Shepherd's Pie, and flying on the the right side of the road. Colbert's most cutting remarks came at the end when he advised British people to claim Batman supporting character Alfred Pennyworth if they wanted a superhero of their own. Said Colbert, "He's got a British accent and he does everything the rich American tells him to. That's something you can relate to." This was accompanied by a picture of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair with former President George W. Bush." - Charles Skaggs

The full commentary can be found at the Colbert Nation site here.

Photo Credits:
Bobbi Newman Librarian by Day Flickr Group: Librarian Superheroes of the World and MySpace

Gale/Cengage - Press release

Joyce/Shannon photo by Gwyneth Jones

K-M Librarian


  1. Thank you Gwyneth this made me a little teary. You are one of my heroes too! I am in awe of all you do.

    PS Love the new header! especially Stephen Colbert!

  2. Yeah, with the snark comes the Truthiness! I am of the Colbert nation and strive to do him proud in the reporting of library news. Never screwey with the Dewey I always say...but seriously, thank you for your comment & kind words you truly are an inspiration to many...including me!

  3. Hi Gwyneth, I've nominated you! You would make the perfect lunchbox superhero! Check the Gale Facebook page and my blog post about it: I love following your blog with its super graphics, wit, and enthusiasm, and your tweets as well. I'd love if you'd follow me on twitter, too: jane_librarian.

  4. I thought I posted a comment here earlier tonight, but maybe didn't follow thru to conclusion. Wanted to let you know, Gwyneth, that I nominated you for a Gale Superhero! You are one, and I can't imagine anyone looking more lunchbox hero-like than you with your great graphics flayer. Check the Gale Facebook page and my posting about it on my blog: Please do follow me on Twitter at jane_librarian.


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