Like Us! The MHMS Facebook Page &
Concrete Digital Footprints
Re-posted from my school blog as an example of what I share with my community:
We here at MHMS want our families and the community find us everywhere! We want to model savvy social networking practices... So with Dr. D's permission we started this Facebook page for our students, parents, & the community of Murray Hill Middle School! Please like us! But we also love & acknowledge all the alumni pages, group, & fan pages started by our AWESOME kids both past & present!
So please "Like Us" on the Official MHMS Facebook page!
The FB page features our school hours, links to our official school web page, digital photo galleries, wiki's, updates, and more!
Though this Facebook resource page was created for parents, students over 13 are welcome to like it, too. Or under 13 - with parent permission. That's COPA folks! Because please kids, we want you to be web savvy digital citizens. Yeah, yeah...I know, I blog a LOT about digital awareness....'cause it's like HELLO? Really Important! So here's more!
I've been teaching/evangelizing Internet
There is no safe, there is only AWARE
Though I really love the dollie pics above by jessi.bryan it's deceiving. What is posted - even once - can be found. Not likely, but can. The tides and time of the Internets don't wash away all the bad mistakes. Now that's not to say it's not a GOOD idea to delete things that you regret posting - you should! I even sleep on something before I post it....I never post in anger or annoyance. I also don't want y'all to get paranoid. Just be aware of that BEFORE posting.
Footprints in Concrete - NOT Sand

Kids need to know that embarrassing or inappropriate pictures posted are there online and can be found. That texts and pics sent through the phone can be downloaded or passed on willy nilly. Now don't get me wrong...Social networks are NOT inherently bad and they're not going away - hence our new Facebook page's more about using ethical & wise choices than being scared of the Bogey man out there - though they exist - it's more likely that teens will be harassed by other teens that they know than some stranger. Sad but true fact, teens who are at-risk in general will most likely be at-risk on the Internet.
Parents: What you can do
- TALK to your kid, establish expectations, and tell them that you trust them but you also are cautious about what they share online.
- Don't make the discussion combative, make it continuing & comfortable!
- Make sure that ANY social network they belong to is set to private
- Guide your kids foot (and hand) prints on the Internet by also not posting things you'll regret on FB or social sites. I've heard more than one sorry story where a parent had an embarrassing pic found by their kid! Eeeep! But - at least it's a teachable moment!
- When in doubt, know how to check the history of your family & kids computer

Resources:"Hemanshu Nigam, the chief security officer at News Corp. provides advice about the compassionate and kind use of social networking:
from: Back-to-school advice for safe & ethical social networking - CNET News
- Post with respect: photos are a great way to share wonderful experiences. If you're posting a photo of you and your friends, put yourself in your friends' shoes and ask would your friends want that photo to be public to everyone. If yes, then you're uploading photos with respect.
- Comment with kindness: compliments are like smiles, they're contagious. When you comment on a profile, share a kind word, others will too.
- Update with empathy: sharing updates lets us tell people what we think. When you give an opinion on your status updates, show empathy towards your friends and help them see the world with understanding eyes.
Play the Friend Finder Game! Interactive fun game testing your social networking skillz!
NetCetera - In Net Cetera: Chatting With Kids About Being Online, OnGuard Online gives adults practical tips to help kids navigate the online world. - created by the FTC -
For Parents, Teacher Librarians, & Technology Educators: AWESOME FREE Bulk Brochures & Bookmarks for home, schools & libraries!
Social Networking Sites: A Parent’s Guide
The Parents' Guide to Social Networking Websites
Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens
Blog Sites, Profile Sites, Diary Sites or Social-Networking Sites
Safe Teens: Texting, Dating, and Safety
Photos from Flickr Creative Commons: Cool River Blythe dollie photos by
More people need to be aware of internet issues. I am so showing this to my parents.
ReplyDeleteI love this! Can't wait to share Friend Finder with my students. I use the website Digital Tattoo with my high school darlings.
Bookgal123, How you doin!? Thank you! Why not show them the blog posting on the MHMS Media Blog!?? This is my professional blog where I post for other school librarians & technology educators. But you're of course, welcome here dear!
Joquettta - My dear MSET friend! I'm glad you like it...Wanted to mention...the AWESOME FREE Bulk Brochures & Bookmarks for home, schools & libraries! - Some are available in SPANISH, too! Love ya!