Video Book Trailer Awards

From Joyce Valenza, on the NeverEndingSearch Blog:
New Book Video Trailer Awards!
"On September 27th, School Library Journal will ask readers to vote for the best video trailers that promote books and encourage reading.
Voters will be asked to select the best video in six categories:
- Publisher/author created for Elementary readers (PreK-6)
- Publisher/author created for Secondary readers (7-12)
- Student created for Elementary readers (PreK-6)
- Student created for Secondary readers (7-12)
- Adult (anyone over 18) created for Elementary readers (PreK-6)
- Adult created for Secondary readers (7-12)
There will be four nominations in each category, selected by a committee of librarians. Winners will be announced at the School Library Journal Leadership Summit on the Future of Reading on October 22, 2010 in Chicago.
The primary purpose of these awards is to recognize the important role that video plays in bringing readers to books as well as the wonderful creativity of the producers.
Only videos produced between January 1, 2006 to July 1, 2010 are eligible for consideration.
(So, if this is a new idea to you - start producing for next year!)
To suggest a video before the September 17th deadline, please send an email to
- name of the video
- video’s creator(s)
- author and the title of the book that the video is promoting
- URL for viewing the video
- no more than 200 words about why this video would turn the viewer into a reader of the book
Anyone is free to suggest a title. Start nominating! And please spread the word."
And shamelessly swiped from Diane Cordell's AWEsome blog Journeys:
"Teachers, if you are searching for alternatives to the traditional written book report, having your students produce book trailers might be the perfect way to foster critical thinking and creativity while encouraging a love of literature.
There is a wealth of information available online. Book Trailers for Readers has an instructional video, tips, and links. You'll find an Assessment Rubric, among other resources, on the Reading-Active-and-Engaging wiki. Also helpful is the trailers and videos page of the incredibly rich bookleads wiki.
As you watch the sample below, a trailer for Gary Paulsen's Hatchet, consider the higher thinking skills that it displays: the student/creator had to analyze the story, decide which key elements to emphasize, select images that accurately convey the story, and script a compelling narrative."
Here's a teachertube video on how to create one!
Good luck everyone!
"If you and/or your students produced book trailers during the required time frame (between January 1, 2006 to July 1, 2010), please consider submitting them for the contest. If you've never tried this type of activity before, look through the above resources and give it a try."
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