MSET Learning Tools Smackdown - Baltimore

Prizes! Interactive! Collaborative!
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Session 3 - Room 327
Baltimore Convention Center

This interactive, energetic, sharing session will highlight the best new tools in a variety of categories. Members of a panel of technology educators from several different counties, subjects areas, and grade levels will share their top picks and invite audience members to contribute by coming to a central microphone. All ideas generated will be added to a Learning Tools Smackdown session wiki, the MSET Ning and shared with the community!

Smackdown Panelists:
Andrea Christman
Melissa Grabill
Kyra Kreinbrook
Geordie Paulus -
MICCA Outstanding Technology Leader 2009
Matthew Winner
Danielle Dunn
Gwyneth Jones - The Daring Librarian
Aaron Smith - The Art Guy
Selena Ward - The Tech Tiger!

adjunct Smackdown contributer:
Brenda Anderson - ISTE Professional Development Chair Imagine,
Innovate, Inspire: Piecing Together My Learning Journey

will share their picks for most effective tools for enhancing learning
and promoting reading in a variety of categories relating to NETS*S

Ideally, this should be a *bring your own laptop* session.

Official Timekeeper: Kyra
Back Channel Access:
Twitter: Post the hashtag #MSET10 -Smackdown: (tip or comment)
Melissa Grabill, Coordinator Twitter Back Channel Lead
Danielle Dunn: (remote chatter)

And Whilst at MSET.....Visit the Digital Sandbox! MSET Digital Sandbox by gwyneth

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

The Learning Tools Smackdown concept was created by and is supported by Dr. Joyce Valenza

International Reader Shoutout....please see my last post for my love letter to my readers from my beloved United Kingdom! Added later....busy week!


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