Ticket to Ride: FREE Helpful Printables & Chromebook Management
Blog post ideas come from all kinds of places - including Instagram comments! In fact, one of the reasons I started this blog some 13 years ago was to share the content I made to help other people. Hate reinventing the wheel and I remembered when I was a baby Librarian I started with NOTHING. Was hoping to help to save someone else time and to remember what I did when, where, & how!
So, now as I am a fully seasoned and experienced Librarian (and retiring!) I thought I would pass along some tickets, presentations, and printables that could be of some help. Before you try and download a copy of any of these -
Tech Tip - Log into your preferred Google Drive. If you get a message you need permission - that means you're not properly logged in. PLEASE Login and try again. Thank you!
Chromebook Repair, Loan, & Management
This year has been ALL about our Chromebooks. Haven't had the time or the ability to teach much when every 5 minutes I have a kid coming in saying things like:
- "I can't log into my Chromebook"
- "It's dead!" or "it won't charge!"
- "My screen just cracked itself!"
- "It's just broken"
- "Some of my keys fell off!"
- "I can't open any Google docs"

We copy these on different colors - so we can say, fill out a yellow or pink ticket. We also have a study carrel near our Circulation Desk that have these tickets, not so neat signage, tape, golf pencils, and a charging station. Pictured above but here's what it looks like without text.
Because Kids Just Forget their Chromebooks
What are some of your BEST Chromebook management ideas? Would love to hear in the comments.
More Giveaways! Feel free to take a copy - Take, Use, & Share - Everything I make is Creative Commons - Share alike. But please, no selling on TpT! Would you believe I found some of my content there being sold? As if! LOL
Teacher Classroom Signs for Rooms & Hallways - Make a Copy
Genre Slideshow - Make a Copy!
Why haven't I blogged more?
To be honest (TBH) I've neglected this blog since COVID came our way. I was so busy helping connect all my students, teachers, and community because we Librarians are usually the on-site -- or with distance learning the off-site Geek Squad. This is NOT an apology for not blogging. If you've been a long time reader you'll know one of my first rules of blogging is NEVER, EVER, start a blog with a lame apology for not posting. This is an explanation. How is it different? Well, didn't use the word sorry, now did I?
I am retiring this year. Giving away EVERYTHING in my office. Leaving the Lava Lamps though!
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