Saddle Up & Rope ‘Em In!

Codes to Teach Like a Cowboy / Cowgirl

I am SO very excited to announce that two educators whom I greatly respect and admire are going to guest speak on our #TLChat Virtual Cafe webinar series:

Shelly Terrell & Jake Duncan
"Teaching can feel like trying to conquer the Wild West. We need inspiration and advice from trailblazers used to rough terrains. Two Texas educators invite you to join this campfire conversation in which they will share some practical ideas and tips for handling anything from fundraising to teaching with little technology. Giddy up! Get your boots on and join us for this adventurous ride that’ll get you fired up and equipped for the school year."

October 6th, 2014
8pm Eastern USA time

Session Wikipage

Did you miss it? It was AWESOME! 
A huge thanks to the ever amazing & generous Shelly & Jake! 

Watch, listen, & enjoy by clicking on the
Blackboard Session Archive Link
(Please give it a min to download & play) 

Follow Shelly Terrell---> @ShellTerrell
Follow Jake Duncan ---> @jkdncn

Click for Shelly's Pearl Trees List of Resources

Photos gleefully stolen from Shelly & Jake
Title photo design inspired by a Flickr Creative Commons
photo by Eric Leslie & graphic design by yours truly and PicMonkey!


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