BWAD: How to be a Ninja Warrior Filter Fighter!

Life is not filtered. But the Internet is - at my school.
What are we teaching the kids?  How can we teach knowledge, discernment, and ethics without giving them a chance to make good choices and yes, sometimes mistakes?
Celebrate: Banned Websites Awareness Day
"AASL has designated October 3 as the second annual Banned Websites Awareness Day. To raise awareness of the overly restrictive blocking of legitimate, educational websites and academically useful social networking tools in schools and school libraries, AASL designates one day during Banned Books Week as Banned Websites Awareness Day. AASL asks school librarians and other educators to promote an awareness of how overly restrictive filtering affects student learning. The Freedom to Read Foundation and the ACLU are also supporters...."
from AASL, Sept. 25; FTRF Blog, Sept. 25

Complimentary BWAD (Banned Websites Awareness Day) Webinar
Join us! How to be a Ninja Warrior Filter Fighter! Presenter: Gwyneth Jones
Wednesday, October 3, 2012  |  7 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CDT/5 p.m. MDT/4 p.m. PDT

Here are the slides from my preso on Slideshare! Thank you to everyone who attended! AASL will be posting the archive in a few days if you miss it! Contact Melissa Jacobson (mjacobsen AT ala DOT org) for more information! Cheers!

 AASL BWAD main site with background and resources

Michelle Luhtala's Blog postings:
danah boyd article on Huffington Post:
 Kids And Social Media: danah boyd Asks Parents To Name Their 'Biggest Fear'


  1. Those filters definitely block way too many good sites and you're right about having the opportunity to teach kids to use their good judgement. The message we are sending is that we don't trust them at all to make their own choices! I haven't found a good software for internet filtering yet :(. I'm bummed that the internet rating system never took hold (PICS) or else we could just set our browsers to a certain setting and the website creator could set their website to a rating.

    1. Thank you Lauren! I'm so honored by your comment & can't agree with you more! "The message we are sending is that we don't trust them at all to make their own choices!" I encourage you to visit Michelle Luhtala's blog to see her YouTube video her H.S. kids made called "We Trust You" it's staggeringly wonderful and inspiring!
      Cheers dear!

  2. Thanks! I’ve been learning on how to add a custom page template but good thing I found this. You a genious, thank you!!!!!)))burun estetigi

  3. Did you know there was a "banned websites awareness" day? I found it on the ALA calendar of events and thought of this post! Happy BWAD!

  4. Doh! just realized it's in the title of your post :). I guess I saw the meat of your post first and then realized the reason you were writing the post second... sorry, brain fart X-)


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